Real Data

Clicademy members can interact with real data in the dashboard.

About Real Data

Clicademy uses the Analytify Pro plugin to extract the Clicademy Web data collected using Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Below is a section of your dashboard.

GA4 dashboard view of Clicademy enabled by Analytify.

Currently, you can view data in the Audience category only. Give it a try..

You can also use various customise tools provided by Analytify to set data range, perspectives, and visualisation formats.

See more detailed user guides on the website of Analytify.

To leave the Dashboard, click the Clicademy drop-down menu and then Visit Site to return to the website.

Clicademy Dashboard View guide

Clicademy may change and/or add data plugins and extraction tools. We will increase the data sharing step by step, including data collected using other analytics brands such as Bing, Yandex. Metrika, etc.