Clicademy receives every week the website engagement summary from Analytify, which is our analytics aggregator. The summary provides nine metrics to measure our site traffic performance. Visit our real data Dashboard to access much more Analytics data.
We are still an infant website but had a week of growth from Feb 1 to 8, 2021. Six of the nine metrics went up, compared with only three rising in the previous week. The graph below provides a snapshot.

What did we do?
We are still in the stage of building the site. The publicity effort is minimum. Internally we let the site be in the “primitive organic” status. However, a few small things we did seemed to have increased the traffic.
Firstly we took down the sign-up “paywall” to the Insight blogs, which carries articles in digital marketing analytics and technology. We also gave the site a new home page. The first updates from the server room have the details.
Secondly, we launched a Clicademy page on LinkedIn to get close to our target audiences who are learning professionals and students in marketing. Some small-scale promotion took place on LinkedIn. The page acquired 7 followers out of 12 unique visitors, registering a 58% conversion rate. LinkedIn and other social media will provide our members with much more analytics data. We are developing technology solutions to automate the reporting of the data. Members, please stay tuned.
Thirdly we direct-marketed to about 30 digital marketing students in a UK university.
Worrying Analytics
Higher bounce rate, shorter average time on site, and fewer new sessions indicate that Clicademy lost some traction with users’ eyeballs. We think the reason was that our data Dashboard because inaccessible for a few days. We corrected the problem by fixing some bugs with our membership plug-in.
What is more worrying is that we have a very low conversion rate of visitors to registered members. We are yet to find out why. We hope to see better results in next week analytics.
Help needed
Clicademy opens up its traffic data and publishes blogs to help students and new practitioners to learn digital analytics for marketing and martech. Please sign up to access the free and real online data. You can also help us by leaving your comments and feedbacks in the comment area.